The Business Master (4th Edition)
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October 29, 1993
d t S e a r c h 2.0
dtSearch is copyrighted by DT Software, Inc. DT Software, Inc. hereby
grants to shareware disk vendors, computer clubs, user groups, and on-line
shareware distributors ("Vendors") wishing to distribute dtSearch a license
to do so subject to all of the following conditions:
1. Vendors that are members of the Association of Shareware Professionals
("ASP") may distribute dtSearch for DOS and dtSearch for Windows without
prior permission. Other Vendors must request permission of DT Software,
Inc. prior to distributing this package.
2. dtSearch for DOS includes all of the files listed in README.SW in the
archives DTSD.EXE and DTSDOC.EXE. dtSearch for Windows incldues all of the
files listed in README.SW in the archives DTSW.EXE and DTSDOC.EXE. If
README.SW or any files listed in it are missing, then the package is not
complete and distribution is prohibited. Please contact DT Software, Inc.
to obtain the complete package.
3. Vendors may not modify the dtSearch package in any way, except that
Vendors may add (1) introductory or installation batch files, or (2) one or
more small text notes, appended to a DOC file or in separate files,
containing information about the Vendor. Vendors may distribute dtSearch
in a collection with other shareware, such as in a CD ROM or PsL's
4. Vendors may not sell the dtSearch package or distribute it as part of
another software package. However, Vendors may charge a distribution fee
for the diskette, shipping, and handling, not to exceed US$8.00 in the
United States or US$12.00 internationally.
5. Vendors may not advertise dtSearch as "free" software.
If the version of dtSearch you have is more than one year old, please
contact DT Software, Inc. to obtain the latest version. Also, please let
us know if you have a problem with any of the conditions in this license.
Thank you for your support!
October 29, 1993
dtSearch 2.0
Category: Text Database or Free-Form Database
Short Description:
The shareware version of dtSearch is distributed in three
archives, DTSD.EXE (dtSearch for DOS), DTSW.EXE (dtSearch for
Windows), and DTSDOC.EXE (documentation and utilities). Each is
described below:
dtSearch for DOS Text retrieval program for Ami Pro,
WordPerfect, WordStar, Word, MS Works,
Multimate, RTF, and ASCII documents.
Performs indexed, unindexed and
"combination" searches (up to 15,000
documents per index); wildcard, boolean,
phrase, proximity, and segment searches;
network support; international language
support; built-in editor; application
launching; mouse support. Requires DOS
3.3 or higher. ASP Shareware ($99).
dtSearch for Windows Windows-based text retrieval program for
Ami Pro, WordPerfect, WordStar, Word, MS
Works, Multimate, RTF, and ASCII files.
Performs indexed and unindexed searches
(up to 15,000 documents per index);
wildcard, boolean, phrase, proximity,
and segment searches; network support;
international language support;
application launching. Requires Windows
3.1 or higher. ASP Shareware ($99).
dtSearch Docs/Utilities (1) a printable copy of the manual for
dtSearch 2.0 for DOS/Windows, and (2)
the dtSearch 2.0 ALPHABET utility, which
allows users to customize the way
dtSearch handles accented letters,
capitalization, and punctuation.
dtSearch Program Description Page 1
Registration Information:
Registration costs $99.00 for either the DOS version or the
Windows version ($149 for both). Registered users will receive:
a printed copy of the manual, the latest version of dtSearch,
free technical support for a year, and notices of updates or
upgrades. Register through the Advanced Support Group at 1-800-
788-0787. See ORDER.DOC for details.
Author/Publisher Information:
David Thede, President
DT Software, Inc.,
2101 Crystal Plaza Arcade, Suite 231
Arlington, VA 22202
CompuServe: 72607,3323
ASP Notice
DT Software, Inc. is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
does not supply technical support for members' products. Please
write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442
or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman
dtSearch Program Description Page 2
Long Description:
dtSearch 2.0 for DOS and Windows
Document Search and Retrieval Software
dtSearch is a bargain hunter's find.
--InfoWorld, May 24, 1993
The needle's in the haystack, and you're on a deadline
to find it. You need dtSearch . . . . If you spend
half your life looking for data, dtSearch is a powerful
--PC/Computing, October 1993
This program is wonderful. . . . I am super-impressed
with dtSearch.
--PCM, July 1993
Users of Westlaw or Lexis will feel comfortable with
the and, or, and proximity search tools.
--Legal Times, June 21, 1993
"This program provides more strategies for text search than
most people will ever likely need . . . . A comprehensive
search utility, dtSearch is well worth a look."
--PC Sources, January 1992
"dtSearch is a fast, powerful, text file indexing program
for document search and retrieval."
--Database, December 1992
"dtSearch is a surprisingly thorough and easy to use, menu
driven program . . . . Documentation is clear and concise.
. . . Overall, this is an excellent program."
--Online Today, March 1992
"A powerful and cost-effective route to text retrieval."
--PC Magazine (UK), July 1992
The purpose of dtSearch is to help you quickly find documents on
your PC or on a network. dtSearch does this by building an index
that stores the location of the words in your documents. Once
dtSearch has built an index, searches take just a few seconds.
Since you will sometimes want to search documents that have not
been indexed, dtSearch can also search without an index or do
"combination" searches.
dtSearch Program Description Page 3
Searching Capabilities
dtSearch can perform the following types of indexed, unindexed
and combination searches:
∙ Boolean searches (AND, OR, NOT)
∙ word or phrase searches (apple sauce or chocolate cake)
∙ wildcard searches (appl* and sauc?)
∙ proximity searches (appl* w/5 pear)
∙ segment searches (@ADDRESS contains Oak Drive)
∙ file name searches (xname smith*.doc)
∙ file date searches (xdate after Jan 11, 1993)
∙ and more
With a single search, a user can scan:
∙ multiple directories
∙ multiple disk drives
∙ multiple document indexes
∙ documents and indexes stored on a local area network
Indexing Capabilities
An index can contain up to 15,000 documents, and you can create
as many indexes as you want.
For more advanced users, dtSearch offers:
∙ batch mode indexing and searching (DOS version only)
∙ case and accent sensitive indexing
∙ archive indexing
∙ alphabet customization
Other Features
After a search, dtSearch allows you to:
∙ sort search results by name, date, or number of hits
∙ generate a search report listing all hits found with a few
lines of context
∙ view search results and retrieved documents in multiple,
overlapping windows
∙ find hits or other text in retrieved documents
∙ cut and paste text into a built-in notepad editor
dtSearch Program Description Page 4
∙ edit a retrieved document using your word processor from
within dtSearch
∙ print search results, search reports and retrieved documents
Ease of Use
Most importantly, dtSearch is easy to use.
∙ Pull-down menus and extensive context-sensitive help guide
you through every step.
∙ dtSearch requires no "importing" or "conversion" of your
documents and does not even need to be told what word
processor you are using.
∙ dtSearch has full mouse support.
dtSearch can search, index and display the following types of
documents: Ami Pro, ASCII or DOS Text, Microsoft Rich Text
Format, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Word for Windows, Microsoft
Works, Multimate, Multimate Advantage II, WordPerfect,
WordPerfect for Windows, WordStar and WordStar 2000.
Technical Support
Free technical support is available from the Advanced Support
Telephone (314) 965-5630
FAX (314) 966-1833
BBS (314) 966-1833
CompuServe 70304,3642
To order dtSearch, call 1-800-788-0787.
dtSearch 2.0 for DOS $99
dtSearch 2.0 for Windows $99
Both $149
Site license pricing also available
dtSearch comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
dtSearch Program Description Page 5
dtSearch is a product of:
DT Software, Inc.
2101 Crystal Plaza Arcade, Suite 231
Arlington, Virginia 22202
(703) 521-9427
CompuServe: 72607,3323
dtSearch Program Description Page 6